BRNSC Brings Warmth to Local Charities

On February 20th, Business Referral Network of Suffolk County (BRNSC), a local group of networking professionals out of Bellport, delivered dozens of coats that their members collected during a Mid-Winter Coat Drive to two local charities: Lighthouse Mission in East Patchogue, and Angels of Long Island in Patchogue.

BRNSC had been running the coat drive for a month which culminated in a large assortment of gently used apparel being brought to their bi-monthly breakfast meeting on February 20th at Roosters Cafe in downtown Bellport. 3 members, Geof Marschall, George Kreuscher, and Paul Quinn then delivered the coats to the centers to be dispersed to the needy in our communities. BRNSC conducts a community benefit project quarterly, giving back in a very tangible way to the citizens of our local areas.

If you would like to learn more about BRNSC, it mission and it’s membership, and how their professional members can possibly help you, please email or contact us today.

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